Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back to School Shopping and University Budgets.

Staples Business Depot ads aren't entirely wrong - however I wouldn't classify "Back to School" time as THE most wonderful time of the year, it certainly isn't a terrible one.
I think this has to be the first year I am genuinely excited about school though, whereas recent past years excitement have come from the feeling I get when I think about shopping and new fall-wear.
     Last night, I experienced a sort of sad realization. My boyfriend called me but instead of our usual chat we held up our phone "conversation" in mostly silence because we were both too distracted to speak - by our online window shopping. When we did speak it was mostly about our mutual longing to break out our assortment of fall jackets and maybe buy some new shoes. The realization we came to though, wasn't that this was the saddest phone conversation in history, but rather that we are university students, with university fees and university textbooks to pay for.
     No matter how much I tell myself that I must reserve my budget for silly little school things like violin maintenance, new strings, theory textbooks etc, my dreams are still filled with an array of jackets and thick knit socks and beautiful new boots - namely the Jeffrey Campbell Lita in black calf leather....

Hmmmmm, we'll see how long my will power holds on these beauties... Under $200 including shipping..... not great but not the worst. Can you really put a price on love though?

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