Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I have yet to set foot in a university class (however that day is coming up fast), and I already have a tainted U of T view - Thanks ROSI.
I'll give you the nub:
     ROSI is the website where students do everything from signing up for classes, to paying their tuition fees. Seems like a nice, efficient idea right? Course enrollment opens at a set time for different departments giving everyone a fair and equal chance to squeeze themselves into their required classes (if they're really smiled on by God they'll get an elective or two as well). However, this summer, I woke up at 5:30 in the morning 3 times to learn that the site was down, or the system had crashed or something equally beyond my tech comprehension and frustrating.
     Just thinking out loud here but hey - if they use this service for all departments and for all course enrollment every year, don't you think they could maybe hire a couple IT guys to keep it running long enough for more than 4 students to pick courses? The mornings they open the site to the first year faculty of music students, I found myself wondering why they bothered isolating the enrollment by department if the site can't even handle one of the smallest faculties! I mean, if 250(ish) of us freshman music nerds are too much for ROSI to cope with, how do the arts science and humanities students get anywhere?
     The best part? Don't worry, they always get the site up and running - by 9am, when I'm already at work and without internet. Fair and equal chance my ass. I am now wait-listed for 3 courses and going to be stuck taking a first year course I am required to have in second year.

     I am just crossing my fingers that after I have actually attended a class or two I will have nothing but lovely things to report. School starts in less than 2 weeks!
Just think, in 6 years I could be getting ready for my first day back at high school. What have I got myself into?