I haven't posted in a while, I finished my room, it looks badass! My mum did all the trim and it looks very pretty. A lot plainer, but nice. The walls are the colour of foundation. If you have a tan at least. Not my foundation for sure.... I'll post pictures later this week as well as update on school.
I love Halloween. If I thought I could get away with it I would absolutely still go trick-or-treating.
Mum painted my face! All that skull anatomy in dental school paid off:
I scared some little ones away from the house.
A little girl asks "what are you?"
Mum says "a music student".
I was trying to channel a little Wednesday Adams with the braids.... if Wednesday Adams was dead...
Scary thought: Wednesday Adams would be an adult now. A Mum? A banker? A serial killer?
Well, happy Halloween. Don't get a sick tummy by eating too much of your little sister's candy.